The Isiqalo Trust is inspired by a thought, an idea – one that stirs the imagination and inspires you to hope and to rediscover the beauty of life.
The idea behind the Isiqalo Trust is based simply on the following: “Rather than ethics with the intriguing moral question what is right and what is wrong (the human quest for morality), the most fundamental question in life, in order to discover meaning in life, is: what is beautiful and what is ugly?” What heals life or what destroys life? (The human quest for purpose).
The primary spiritual question is an aesthetical question: How can we help people find meaning in life in order to rediscover their human dignity? How can we help people establish their identity? And how can we help people experience worth and value that transcends those social categories that often discriminate against, stigmatise and marginalise people.
Our aim is the beautification and healing of life. Our task is to develop and enrich individuals, with the focus on family and the immediate environment, by creating a humane space where people can develop their self-worth and identity.
The family is viewed as a vibrant and dynamic system. Every member plays a decisive role in creating an intimate space for human development. Within the farming environment, the Isiqalo Trust works on the basis that healing a family life can only be achieved by working closely with all the role players in the farming business. That means we must enhance trust between employer and employee.
The concept of Isiqalo is seen as a long-term project and process. Its focus is not so much visible results and statistics, but qualitative, relational development. The project is steered and guided by the basic principles of human, potential development, fostering spiritual energy, imagination, creativity, decision-making, enjoyment and life.
We strive to create a culture where people can help themselves by focusing on family development, life-skills training, spiritual enrichment and education projects that contribute to sport, recreation and the arts like music and self-education through reading.

Isiqalo’s first step was to address the “desire for aesthetics” at the Matjiesrivier school.
We did this by getting permission from Normat to pick and sell fruit left on the trees after harvest time. Boxes of fruit were packed and sold to friends and family!
The funds were used to buy flowers and a tree, which was planted at the school. The flowers were planted in tyres, and the staff and learners of the school took ownership of the project by watering and caring for the flowers. Read more
Van die Plaas tot in die Kaap!
Isiqalo Development Trust deel graag ‘n kykie in die avonture van ons “geel bucket hat-span” tydens hul heerlike uitstappie na die Aquarium by die Waterfront in Kaapstad. Die dag was gevul met wonderlike ervarings. 🎭 Poppekasvertonings
Viering van Uitnemendheid by Matjiesrivier Primêr!
Trotse oomblik
Vrouedag 2024
Vrouedag 2024 saam met Farren Cloete! “GEROEP vir ’n tyd soos