Why not welcoming guests at the school with Beethoven and Mozart!

Integrated arts in Early Childhood Development – ZENDA NEL

‘Active listening through storytelling, dramatisation, creativity and instrumental play”

A story is told in picture notation, where learners sing, dance and play instruments in relation to pictures on the wall. ‘Through the use of different characters in the story, dressed in fantasy clothes, the music is dramatised by the learners and brought to life. When the piece is finished, the characters swop clothes and are ready for their next active-listening session. In this way, through repetition, the music is fixed in their memories,”

‘The children also get to play a variety of instruments and, who knows, one of them could end up taking music as a career.”

The programme integrates arts to make learning more exciting, and equips learners with well-developed listening skills; better-developed numeracy skills; the ability to work individually, or in small or large groups; the ability to cooperate and follow instructions; better concentration skills; higher self-confidence; improved creativity and problem-solving skills; and an enhanced aesthetic appreciation of the art.